Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I love April. It's one of the best months. It's actually the official start of all the good months, in my opinion. There is a lot to love about April. For your consideration, in chronological order:

- It's the first full month of Spring. Winter doesn't have even one day of April in its bitter frozen hands.

- April holds the best holiday EVAH - Easter. Easter totally has Halloween and Christmas beat around the block and back again. It's got them beat from here until next Tuesday. It's got them beat like the coug's at homecoming. You get the idea.

- April 5th is due to bring the 5th baby Brammer to our crazy, padded walled, straight jacket outfitted family. The day after Easter!!! We couldn't have planned it better.

- April 22nd is Earth Day. Now, I'm no Al Gore or anything, but (and Jeb knew this before he proposed) I am a hippie at heart. If I had been born in a different time period, it would have been yours truly you are always seeing doing the crazy-arms-out-spinning-dance with my long hair and long dress in all the Woodstock video clips. Earth day is groovy and far out.

- April 30th is the loveliest, most fabulous, and all around most remarkable woman's birthday. My sweet mom, of course.

So now you can see why when the weather starts to turn colder, and the leaves begin to change, all my little budding heart can think of is April. Especially this April when our family will finally be complete. I can't wait.


  1. Oh yea!!! Another cousin! How exciting for you and how exciting for Claudia (and John) In fact, Opa Schmidt the very Opa we gather to remember, has his birthday on April 11, my brother Thomas is April 20 (along with Adolf Hitler, but let that slide) Heather Schmidt's birthday is April 12, Julie's husband Zach is April 11 (with Opa) and Julie's is April 29. While I'm at it ... 4/1 Brad Sofonia, 4/2 Robbie Kerback, 4/8 Paul Schmidt (he ate with us)& Kim Wobbe Barbaree, 4/13 Alissa Buck, 4/18 Sean Nigbur & Natalie Nigbur Garrett, 4/19 Annie Beesley, 4/21 Josh and Melanie Spenst will celebrate their 10th anniversary! (sometimes it pays to be the genealogist in the family) Yes, April is indeed a good month.

  2. Congrats, that is so exciting! 5 will be fun. Am I crazy or did we both put in our Christmas letters a couple years ago that our 4th was our last? Fun fun! I wonder if it is a boy or girl, maybe girl if you keep the pattern going. Congrats!

  3. I'm so excited for you all. Congrats!!! Hope you're feeling well. 5 is fun!
