Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And the heavens opened

Lo, it began to be cloudy. And lo, the rain started to fall. Yea, it fell even for 8o and 9 minutes. And the waters began to puddle. And the puddles begat pools. And the pools begat ponds. And the ponds begat rivers. For behold, the storm was large. So large that the people of the valley girded their loins and began to scramble to collect food storage. And lo, the girlies of the house did scream and squeal in delight. They delighteth in every boom and flash that came forth from the sky. And when the rain did ceaseth, the girlies did soak in a warm bath. And behold, it was filled with bubbles.

Yea, and the mother's heart was filled. Even to overflowing. For so great was her happiness.

1 comment:

  1. So the girls found out. Not right away, but later on that night Addie was studying its face and confronted me and I couldn't lie and after their reaction I really wish I would've lied. Oh the tears!!! Addie calmed down, but Aubree cried all night. I stayed in bed with her until about 10:30 and then she climbed in bed with me around 3am still sobbing. Their okay now that they have been able to bond with the new one, but now I believe their are times when its okay to lie.
