Saturday, April 30, 2011

I {heart} Easter

Oh, you bet we went all out for Easter this year. It's only the best holiday in all the world, is what it is. We had all the colors, paint, and white crayons you could imagine. We had stickers, glue, and glitter. We had fuzzy hair, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners. We also had those crazy shrink wraps which BLEW THE CHILDREN'S LITTLE BUNNY MINDS. The only thing we didn't have was vinegar. Nice. Good thing we had dad at home to run to the store and get the biggest, baddest vat of vinegar known to man. Dad to the rescue.

Which egg won this year's rivalry game? Oh hey, that's right. Now I remember.

Hey, if the egg says it, it has to be true. Who's going to argue with an Easter egg? Not me, that's for sure.

If Hudson were an Easter egg...

You know these babies will make the best deviled eggs known to man. I love rainbow deviled eggs.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an assortment of decorations, how fun! Your kids are darling and getting so big. I agree with you that Easter is the best holiday, even better than Christmas.
