Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Black Wednesday

Today, my little monkeys went back to school. We are on a year round schedule, so they have been off track since Christmas Eve. I have had 35 wonderful days of sleeping in, staying up late, and just plain drinking in the deliciousness of all of my guys together. We have played, talked, laughed, giggled, colored, crafted, and done anything else we wanted to our heart's desire. There were a few tears and time outs when this house (or ANY house for that matter) wasn't big enough for 4 healthy, enthusiastic, energetic, growing kids, but we still managed. I so enjoy the company of all my little ones. I prefer being with them over anybody else in this great green world. I am so uninterested in the opinions of heads of state, royalty, and world travelers when compared to the interests and thoughts of these 4 happy kids. I miss them every second they are gone. I know, I know. School is "important". I just wish it didn't have to come so fast, last so long, or be so far away (the whole block and a half it is from our house). When we are all together, close enough to tickle, that's where I want my monkeys to be. I can't wait until they come home.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hudson's Crib

We had to lower Hudson's crib because he has been pulling himself up to a stand in there. Stinker. He wasn't too happy about it at first, but now he is used to it. He has been a really good sleeper for awhile. But just recently he began waking up every 2 or 3 hours because he is getting new teeth on the bottom. That makes 4 on top, 3 on the bottom. Stinker again. I'm not sure who told him he could get so big, but it sure wasn't me.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I am a Utah Man, sir, and I live across the green,
Our gang it is the jolliest that you have ever seen.
Our coeds are the fairest and each one's a shining star,
Our yell, you'll hear it ringing through the mountains near and far!
Who am I, sir,
A Utah Man am I!
A Utah Man, sir,
Will be 'til I die.
We're up to snuff, we never bluff, we're game for any fuss.
No other gang of college men dare meet us in a muss.
So fill your lungs and sing it out and shout it to the sky,
We'll fight for dear old crimson for a Utah Man am I!