Thursday, January 28, 2010

One Year Ago Today - Another Visit and Testing

Mom had only been on this second round of antibiotics for 1 week. Things were not going well. As it turns out, she is allergic to this new medicine, a realization that came after being covered in hives. Plus, the cough is getting much, much worse. The she-can't-catch-her-breath kind of worse. Coughing so hard she is throwing up worse. So, on back to Dr. Dubowski.

Dr. Dubowski orders a sinus CT for mom to do right away. She goes on over to St. Mark's this time (remember Alta View? Jerks.) and does the sinus CT and the chest x-ray one right after the other. And then goes home to wait for results.

There was something that happened while undergoing these tests. I don't think we realized it until later, but it started with these first (of many, many more to come) scans. While having them done, she didn't cough. She was able to lie still enough for the radiation people to get an accurate picture. It went unnoticed at the time, but in looking back she was amazingly blessed. I think if she wasn't able to lie still enough for the length of time needed to get the x-ray and CT, the doctors wouldn't have been able to tell right away what was going on. It was another tender mercy that we were able to see more clearly afterwards. When I look back on these frantic times, I am able to see how she was guided with every single step. Not one of us, even though we had no idea what was about to come our way, was being left alone.

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