Saturday, March 26, 2011

H.R. Fluffinstuff

One year ago, we welcomed the biggest of our babies and things have been as big of a surprise every day since. It seems like when Holden was born something in the universe cracked, and he and I have been working ever since to repair it. He is a chubby cheeked, big blue eyed baby, and with every new chin or roll of leg chub came a new adjustment we made together, my Fluffy and I.

He is a soft, quiet boy, who was meant to be in this big family of ours. He loves to be in a crowd, mostly because that means he's being held, but just sits back and takes it all in. He is loving, and sweet, and cuddly, and just wants to be in mama's lap.

He loves to laugh, loves to smile, and loves to eat (anything except baby food peas. Real peas are okay, but don't mess with the baby food ones. It's a no go). He blows kisses, claps, waves hello, and also waves bye - which is completely different than the hi wave, by the way. He says mom, and just this morning started saying uh-oh. Ask him "Where's Fluffy?" and immediately he disappears with a cover of his eyes. He then reappears with a huge smile on his face to show you "there he is!".

I love my big boy. I could eat him up all day long, if he'd let me. Heaven knows there is enough of him to last that long. But I wouldn't change one thing. Not one roll on his wrists, chubby dimple on his hands, or day he's blessed us by being here.

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