Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hudson turns 3 (although he won't admit it).

My Buster Blue is now 3 years old. But, as much as we try to tell him that, he is adamant that he is still 2. Ask him how old he is, and he'll tell you 2 all day long. Which is just fine with me.

This kid has grown so much in this past year. Too bad his tiny little bean pole body didn't get that message, though. He's my runt, and I love it. But he has learned to talk, and boy howdy, he never stops. In the car he is constantly singing songs to himself, or calling out all the trucks! cars! and GARBAGE TRUCKS! he sees. Garbage trucks are his thing. He absolutely goes nuts for them. The bigger and louder the better. And any construction, moving, or big truck of any kind is categorized as a gah-bahge dwuck. But, the real live green stinky kind are definitely his faves.

He absolutely hates it (HATES IT) when Leah plays the piano during the day. I'll just hear him loudly demanding "Boo! Get off the pa-doh!".

He still says some funny things like topper-topper for helicopter, jump-a-bean for trampoline, riggit for ribbit, and, our favorite, cycle moto for motorcycle.

He is very intrigued by everyone's full names right now. His baby brother is Ho-den Woodof; biggest sister is Agabell Mree, and the aunt he loves is Ambo Kevin. And if you call him the wrong name by mistake (or not by mistake - it's super fun to tease.) he'll let you know "I'm Hudson-no-Mitcho!". I love it.

He goes to nursery now and loves it. He has 2 men who are his teachers in there with him. He calls them "the dudes". He definitely has a favorite between the two dudes, and we have to check through the window in the door if he is there before he can go inside. When he spots the dude, he gets all excited and proclaims "the dude's home!". Then he will run inside and love the next 2 hours.

When put to bed, he must, MUST have 3 things said to him. Sleep can not and will not come unless these things are said. Love you (to which he replies wuv you), night night (nuh night), and buh-bye (whispers buh-bye).

He still sticks out his tongue when he eats. But now, in addition, he spits it out whenever a word has the letter L in the middle of it. He says b-lah-ue, and pi-lah-ow with a big sticking out of his tongue.

Hudson is a crazy monkey, for sure. He has a sound effect for everything. He loves to hang out with the big kids and manages to keep up just fine, thank you. He is our wild, curly haired, dramatic weirdo, and he makes every day an adventure.

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