Hello Laundry. We meet again.
I have succumbed to your powers in the past. I have been overwhelmed at the size and force of your numbers.
My attempts at defeating you in previous encounters have been thwarted by your partners in crime; the rummaging children, the multiple clothes changers, and the husband who can't tell a Leah shirt from an Abigail shirt.
But not today. Today, I have found the strength to wash, dry, fold, and put away 6 peoples laundry. Today, I will convince my children with every last "hooray for you!", "aren't you so helpful!", and promise of sprinkles on ice cream to get them to hang up their shirts and put their pants in their drawers. Today, I will have an EMPTY laundry room, and I will SLEEP WELL tonight!!!!
I will be victorious this time, laundry. Today, I will be Supermom. Until we meet again next week....
Thats hilarious! I make Aubree and Addie fold and put away their own clothes. I just throw all their clothes into their basket and put it in their room.